Favourite Adventure:
April has been one hell of an adventure. From biking riding, to geocaching, to hiking, to kayaking, to dog sitting, I am taking every advantage of the nice weather! It’s that time in Canada where, even though it is only 10 degrees outside, people are starting to wear t-shirts.
Through the month of April, it has steadily gotten warmer and warmer, minus the time where it snowed for three days. Canadian problems, am I right? I think the best adventure this month, had to be our hiking/geocaching trip into Devil’s Pulpit in Belfountain. We ended up finding a geocache in a cave after almost giving up twice. (Hiking Mount Nemo came a close second.)
- Geocache found in a cave!
- Hike Time
- Hello in there!
- Sneak Peek at our Woods Canada application
- Snow in April
- Bruce Trail – going up
Looking forward to May, I’ve got another road trip on my hands. One that will lead me to new places. Keep a look out for photos and stories coming soon.
Favourite Things:
Woods Explorers – We applied for our dream job, did you?
Outdoor Nation – A great cause and their facebook has some great inspiration for outdoor travel
Geocaching.com – An excuse to go outside and look for treasure (Add me!)
John Muir and Henry David Theroux – Along with Aldo Leopold, these men are worthwhile reads for any outdoors traveller
Casual Vacancy – A great read this month, you can tell why JK Rowling because a bestseller. Any one catch the HBO miniseries?
Favourite Instagram photos:
[instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/1A7gFcoP4I/?taken-by=olirutt]
[instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/1rJdR1IPw6/?taken-by=olirutt]
[instagram url=https://instagram.com/p/19M7TWoP4a/?taken-by=olirutt]
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram!
Favourite Tune:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbNZpXefz5w?rel=0]
Stay Curious
– O