Are you working 9-to-5 but still have a desire to see the world? Ya, me too.
Hi, I’m Olivia, Canadian writer and photographer behind My Wandering Voyage travel blog.
My Wandering Voyage’s mission is to help full-time working millennials explore and capture the world through trip planning advice, destination inspiration and photography tips.
Who the heck am I?
After graduating from university with a degree in journalism and environmental studies, I dove headfirst into the media industry. Here, I wear a lot of hats. I’m a photographer, videographer, writer, and social media manager all in one. But at its core, my work revolves around storytelling. A lot of this translates into my writing and community at My Wandering Voyage.
I love my job, but I also want to travel, and there are so many of us working women out there that have the same goals. Working full time doesn’t mean we have to give up on our travel dreams.
Since graduating almost six years ago, I’ve been able to visit over nine countries and took two road trips across Canada. I’ve also been on countless weekend getaways and camping trips, maximizing my time to prioritize travel.
Let’s back up a bit. How did I get here?

Picture this.
A five-week-old baby as happy as a clam sits in the back of a car heading to Florida. That little baby was me, on my first international trip. Throughout my childhood I would often travel, visiting most of the United States and Canada before I was 16.
But then it stopped. School was a priority, and then I was off to university. I was studying my butt off, graduating with two degrees and two minors, all with distinction. (High-five me!) I got a taste for international adventure when I took off to Greece for four weeks with friends to celebrate our success.
After coming back to reality, I felt stuck. I followed work to a different part of the country and back again. Since I was hustling so hard, I started living for my weekends. I embraced those two day holidays.

I went hiking and exploring my own Ontario backyard. Sure I couldn’t travel for six months to Europe, since I didn’t want to risk the amazing career I was building, but boy did I want to. I found ways to take advantage of my vacation time and days off to see as much as I could, all on a modest budget.
I stopped dwelling on the stuff I couldn’t do and started embracing the things I could do.
So what’s next?
My Wandering Voyage is all about exploring the world around you through trip planning, travel inspiration and photography tips.
Start here to find out more about how to make room for more travel. Don’t forget to sign up for the exclusive wander crew club, where you’ll find behind the scene stories and get access to my Travel Resource Library, which is filled with tools you can use on your next trip.
Happy travels,